
STAR 99.1

By Tammy Bonilla

I was asked by Brenda Price from the radio station Star 99.1 to give time for an interview and speak about what the Lord pressed upon Elissa’s heart to collect donations to send to Puerto Rico to help the victims of the earthquakes.  I agreed.

I was interviewed for 30 minutes. Much to my surprise the radio station ran a 30 second clip of the interview for 2 weeks. 

One staff member from the radio station immediately reached out to me with furniture donations. A week later there was a message on Messiah’s Vision facebook, from someone who heard 3 seconds of the 30 second clip on air. She heard the name of Messiah’s Vision and called through our facebook. I reached out to her and she was touched by what Messiah’s Vision does and she decided she will help too.

This woman will be traveling to Puerto Rico on vacation and she wants to help by bringing items that are needed in the earthquakes areas.  We spoke and we have arranged for a way for her to meet with Maline Soto, our contact in P.R. to meet with her and see to it that these donations get delivered to the families that are still in need. 

This woman also is reaching out to her contact and family and friends so that they can all donate.  

This is exactly what Messiah’s Vision is, a community of believers coming together, reaching out to our friends and family, to come together and help our communities and asking the Lord to provide an opportunity to share Jesus to all.

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